My adventure with “Bridges” started six years ago, soon after I had come to England. I could hardly speak any English but having graduated from university with teaching qualifications in Poland I dreamt about working in a school, so I decided to enrol onto a course. I joined evening classes in one of Reading’s Language Schools but still lacked confidence in speaking.
One day I was given a leaflet with information about English lessons at Carey Baptist Church. I jumped at the opportunity and have never regretted it. I loved it at “Bridges” and so did my two year old daughter who was taken care of and made new friends at a crèche.
I gradually built up my confidence and a couple of years later was ready to apply for a job at a secondary school as a Teaching Assistant. Since then I have progressed to a Cover Supervisor post and hope for a teaching position in near future. I don’t need to attend Bridges any more but my adventure with it hasn’t ended and I doubt it ever will. I’ve met the most wonderful people there who have became my dearest friends and I am convinced that my life would have been very different now if I hadn’t turned up at Carey Baptist Church all those years ago.