Cross-Cultural Training – Ready to Welcome

“Should I shake her hand?” “What food should I serve?” “He said he’d come at 7, but didn’t arrive till 9!”

Reaching out and welcoming cross-culturally is enriching, rewarding but it can be daunting.

2:19 can come to your church or group and deliver Cross-Cultural Training seminars on a range of topics to help you prepare well for the challenges and opportunities which arise from reaching out across cultures.

These seminars are led by David Baldwin (CEO of 2:19 and Director of Missions at Oak Hill College, London) and Jonathan Norgate (Resource and Materials Developer for 2:19 and a Cross Cultural Missions Tutor for Crosslands Training).

David and Jonathan talk about some of their experiences working cross-culturally below.

“The history of missions is the history of answered prayer.” Samuel Zwemer

Please get in touch to find out more.

ESL Training

We also provide ESL training seminars.

Please get in touch to find out more.

Upcoming Seminars

If you join our church membership you will have access to regular training seminars for your group.

We recognise that membership isn’t for everyone and that some of you may like to attend an occasional seminar/workshop as a non-member.

With this in mind, we welcome you to join our membership training sessions if there are any additional spaces available for non-members. We hope to make a few places available for non-members on a regular basis.

View our upcoming seminars.

Training Seminars