We may take it for granted, but the ability to read everyday texts, including this newsletter, is not possible for everyone. According to UNESCO, there are nearly 1 billion adults around the world who cannot read and write, and illiteracy is a problem in both developing and developed countries. 16.4% of adults in England, or 7.1 million people, cannot read and write well enough to function well. Those who cannot read and write are more likely to live in poverty. Literacy is not usually our focus here at 2:19 Teach to Reach but we have recently been in communication with Melina Gallo at Literacy & Evangelism International (LEI) who exist to help those who cannot read and write by sharing the message of Jesus Christ through the gift of reading. Over the past months we have received various requests on teaching literacy, so we have decided to leave it to the experts. Melina expands on what they do and how it could help you with teaching literacy.
What does LEI do?
LEI provides materials to help people learn to read in their native language. They also provide literacy materials for those learning to read and write in English, German or French as a Second Language. When ESL learners are not literate in their first language, it can be very difficult for them to learn to read and write in English. If you are looking for English as a Second Language materials or Bible-content literacy materials, which teachers of English in church-based ministries often are, you may be interested in the resources available from LEI. These materials are provided for download free of charge.
More specifically…
Since 1967, LEI has equipped the worldwide Church to share the message of Jesus Christ through the gift of reading. LEI develops Bible-content basic literacy materials (called primers) in more than 270 languages as well as English as a Second Language (ESL) materials. LEI also provides training in teaching as well as developing literacy ministries. LEI trains church leaders, missionaries and lay people to use LEI materials for evangelism, discipleship and church planting.
For the nearly 1 billion adults in the world who cannot read and write, life is difficult. They are unable to read important documents, unable to communicate through text or writing, and unable to read the Bible. Among the illiterate of the world, poverty rates are higher; and health problems are more prevalent.
But with God, there is hope! All over the world, in just a few months, adults are able to begin to read and write, and this transforms their lives and communities. A new reader is confident and engages his or her community in a positive way.
Readers can become part of a growing and thriving community of faith. When people can read the Bible for themselves, they experience God in a deeper, more personal relationship, and this helps protect the church from false doctrines.
There are many roles in the development of a literacy ministry. Tutors teach classes or individuals how to read and write. Trainers train volunteers on how to teach literacy, and Primer Consultants develop new primers and literacy materials in many languages.
Evangelism is sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The strongest witness to the Gospel of Jesus is how we live our lives daily. An important part of our daily life is reading God’s Word, the Bible, and understanding how God relates to humankind and how we should live our lives. If adults cannot read for themselves, how can they know what God has said in the Bible? Evangelism is an integral part of LEI’s mission. As people learn to read and write or learn to speak English, they do so while reading the Bible and hearing for themselves what God has revealed to us through His Word. They also build relationships with Christian teachers who pray for them and with them. They see the love of Jesus in action.
TLC The Tulsa Literacy Center is the local outreach of Literacy & Evangelism International. We have faithful tutors and students who meet weekly to learn to read. Michael (photo on right above) is being tutored by David Davis, a retired Tulsa University Professor. Michael recently completed all three levels of LEI’s Firm Foundations Bible-based content curriculum. He continues to improve his reading as he and Dr.David study the Gospel of Matthew together.
For millions of adults, the Bible is a locked book because they cannot read. What if teaching learners to read in their own language as well as English, using Bible content, could enable them to understand God’s word and the hand of salvation that he extends to all who are willing to respond?
For additional information about anything you have read here please contact: Melina Gallo melinagallo@literacyinternational.net
Article by Marina Swainston-Harrison for 2:19 Teach to Reach together with Melina Gallo at Literacy & Evangelism International
August 2023