English level
The lesson plan is specifically aimed at Elementary and Pre-intermediate English level students.
This resource contains enough material for between 2-3 lessons, depending on how long your lessons are.
The aim of this lesson is to provide students with some of the bare facts of the Easter story and the tools to talk about them. To get into the story’s significance is so important but not within the scope of this lesson. Ideas for a follow-on from this lesson are provided.
The lesson assumes that as Easter falls quite a way into the academic year, even elementary students will have been taught the simple past tense by this point. If not, this lesson would prove too difficult. However, as you will see, there is provision for the introduction of unusual verbs in their past tense form, as well as revision of common verbs such as ‘go’ or ‘come’.
Delivery & Licence
‘Nine Steps to Easter’ consists of two downloadable PDF files.
This lesson plan is delivered as a downloadable PDF file.
The lesson plan and sheets can be reused and reprinted as required, but usage is limited to classes at one Church-based ESL initiative only. You may not share, redistribute, or resell this product.
The lesson plan is Copyright TwoNineteen 2017.
The lesson plan PDF is 23 pages.
A digital copy of the 2:19 Easter Picture Cards is included in your purchase. This can be reused and reprinted as required, but usage is limited to one Church-based ESOL school only. You may not share, redistribute, or resell this product.
The picture cards are Copyright TwoNineteen 2016.
The picture cards PDF is 9 pages.